Job Interviews are always nerve-wracking, no matter where or when they take place! But with the increased level of remote/video interviews now taking place, we have pulled together some helpful advice for you to effectively prepare for interviews.

Test, test, test
Test your internet connection, check it is quick enough! A poor connection means you risk coming across as unclear, which can be a deal-breaker. No matter how much you prepare if they can't hear or see you clearly, it isn’t likely to end well.
Wearing headphones is a must. You will get much clearer audio, reduce the chance of echo and minimise surprise background noises. No need to buy expensive ones, mobile phone headphones will do the trick!
Position your webcam just above your eye line, around 2 feet away from you. Place your laptop on a stand or if you don’t have a stand, rest it on some books to achieve the right level.
Do your homework on the software, remote interviews are particularly unique- between you and your new employer is the realm of technology. Unlike traditional interviews, there is no space sharing, physical body language, or connection within the same room.
Take the time to gain an understanding of the technology they have chosen, and check if you need to set up an account or download anything.
Check the audio input/output and how to adjust if needed. We also recommend practicing muting/unmuting and sharing your screen.
Set the stage
Decide where you feel most comfortable and check your background to ensure there is nothing distracting to you or the interviewer.
Lights, Camera, ACTION
To look your best on camera, your light source is crucial. It should be in front of you as being backlit will create a shadow on your face. Take advantage of indirect natural light by sitting near a window. If this is not an option, find a lamp and place this next to your laptop.
Dress Code
Dress to impress, wear what makes you feel good whilst keeping it simple and professional.
Turn off notifications
Ensure you have nothing that could distract you. Emails, in particular, tend to buzz, either shut them down or temporarily log out.
Eye contact and posture
Try to look at the camera even if it feels unnatural at first. Looking at the camera creates eye contact, making you appear focused. We know it is completely impossible to sit still however try not to get up, fidget or swivel on the chair.
Be Honest
If something happens with the connection, just be honest. Everyone understands that a video call can have glitches. It is always ok to explain what is happening or ask someone to repeat their words.
Have Fun
Smiling, laughing, and engaging is crucial to ensure you make a lasting impression.
Finally… prepare thoroughly! This will give you the confidence to present yourself in the best possible way knocking your interview out of the park!