John Celino - Director, Senior Manager, Business Improvement Consultant
John Celino - Director, Senior Manager, Business Improvement Consultant
John Celino is an extremely respected Manager in the world of Manufacturing.
He walks the walk and talks the talk. Having worked in so many different areas of Manufacturing he is able to talk in detail about culture, process, and specifically how to implement change in a workforce.
This is a great episode for the core manufacturing and engineering listeners.
We talk in detail about the sector and you will come away with new techniques and mentality improvements to help implement real change in a business.
What Does being a leader mean to you?
- The early days of manufacturing and inspirations Motivations for CI & Leadership
- Rio Tinto
- Culture How to implement change in an organisation
- Who / What inspires you?
- Personal development as a Manager Management is a process of being self-critical and aware
- Root cause analysis examples
- What 3 things make a good leader?
- Shop floor route or academic?
- What he would tell himself now if he started all over again
- How to improve UK Manufacturing John’s Plans