Are you ready to leave your current employer?
Follow our tips on how to leave your job on good terms without compromising your professional reputation!

Write a letter of resignation
The best way to quit a job is to give your employer a formal letter of resignation either by email or a printed copy. Within this, you should include that you are resigning, when your last working day will be and a thank-you to your employer for the opportunity. It is also good practice to offer to train your replacement or to help in any other way possible to ensure a smooth transition.
Inform your supervisor first
It is crucial that your supervisor hears the news from you first, not from anyone else in your department. You lose your chance to control the narrative if your supervisor hears it from someone else first. Don’t make your co-workers the target of your quitting anxieties.
Give the agreed notice period
This is the standard practice of the leaving process however some employees chose to give less notice, leaving their employers scrambling to find their replacement. You should stay for your entire notice period unless the company requests that you leave earlier.
Be modest
Leave on good terms by trying to put a positive spin on the reasons for your resignation. You also risk alienating your colleagues if you brag about how exciting your new job is. Leave your boss and team with the right impression of you. Remain gracious and thank your supervisors for the opportunity by explaining how the job has helped you to grow professionally.
Don’t insult anyone or anything
When leaving a company, show some decorum regardless of your feelings. An important aspect of a successful job exit is to avoid putting anyone else at risk. If you are leaving on less than the best terms, don’t play the blame game. It makes no sense to cause any negativity towards colleagues or managers.
Stay on top of your responsibilities
You are still accountable for your work until your last day. If you have any ongoing accounts or projects, make sure to complete them or pass them on seamlessly to make the transition easier. Bear in mind that later in your career you may have to use your former supervisors as references.
Check the company HR policies
Understand your holiday and pension entitlements.
Organise your files
Make it easy for your colleagues to find important information to make the transition of your work seamless without you. Create handover spreadsheets detailing any open work projects or accounts. Provide access to any files that colleagues or supervisors may need. Departing on good terms means being a team player right up until the last day.
Give feedback
Your boss and usually HR will want to know why you are leaving and any feedback you may have for them. Be as gracious as possible and try to give productive feedback that may help them in the future. For example, you could let them know you don’t feel that their wages were high enough or you felt like you didn’t receive enough performance reviews from your managers. Find the balance between being honest but not brutal with your feedback.
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